Official Website of the
Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
Published: January 1, 2025
Support Catholic Charities of Arkansas
Help the Diocese of Little Rock minister to the poor in Arkansas through Catholic Charities of Arkansas (CCA). Use the drop-down menu provided to designate your gift to a specific ministry or program or where it is most needed. For more information, contact Megan Moore, office administrator, at (501) 664-0340.
“Let us not despise the poor, the little ones, the workers; not only are they our brothers and sisters in God, they are also those who most perfectly imitate Jesus in his outward life. They perfectly represent Jesus, the worker of Nazareth. They are the firstborn among the elect, the first to be called to the Savior’s crib." — St. Charles de Foucauld
Nearly 37 million people live in poverty in the United States. Fifteen percent of these are children. In Arkansas, nearly 16 percent or 485,000 people are poor. January is Poverty Awareness Month and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) offers a daily calendar with reflections that offers ways to learn about poverty in America. | See reflections in Spanish.
CCHD, the national anti-poverty program of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, offers other resources to create awareness of and ways to address the root causes of poverty in America, including the website, Poverty USA. It challenges visitors to encounter, learn and act to fight poverty. To learn more, We are Salt and Light details the connection between poverty and mental illness.
In Arkansas, Catholic Charities of Arkansas (CCA) offers several ministries that serve the poor, vulnerable or marginalized among us including immigration services, prison ministry, a free medical clinic, services to victims of domestic violence, refugee resettlement, parish outreach and post-adoption services.
CCA relies on income from a number of sources to run its programs. No one single source of income amounts to more than 10 percent of total operating costs. Therefore, donations are needed. To support this work, please donate online now. If you prefer to mail your gift, please send your check to: Catholic Charities of Arkansas, P.O. Box 7239, Little Rock, AR 72217-7239. For more information, contact Megan Moore, office administrator of Catholic Charities of Arkansas at (501) 664-0340.