
Updated Aug. 20, 2024

En Español

Mailing Address/Phone

P.O. Box 7565
Little Rock, AR 72217-7565
Phone: (501) 664-0340
Fax: (501) 664-9075

Spiritual Director

Dc. Rob Brothers
Phone: (479) 306-8188 (cell)

English Secretariat

The English Secretariat is the governing body for English Cursillo in the Diocese of Little Rock.

The Tripod Times

The Tripod Times is the newsletter for English Cursillo in the Diocese of Little Rock. Click on the link to access the latest issue.

The Cursillo movement strives for Christ to be the prime influence in society. Cursillo is a simple method to develop Christian spirituality, mentality, activity and community. The prime objectives of the Cursillo movement in Arkansas are to develop in adult Christians a consciousness of their power and mission to become leaders in the work of Christian renewal, and to sustain them as they provide a Christian leaven in civic, social and economic life.

Cursillo (pronounced kur-see-yo) is a Spanish word meaning "little" or "short course." Cursillos de Cristiandad (short courses of Christianity) is an international, lay movement of the Catholic Church developed in Spain in the 1940s and spread to the United States by 1957. 

The goal of Cursillo is to "teach men and women how to become effective Christian leaders in their neighborhoods, parishes, work situations and other places where people live." Cursillo "forms Christians through spiritual formation courses (cursillos), in which they are invited to build a closer relationship with Christ and to a deeper experience of Christian community. It was officially recognized by Pope St. Paul VI, who designated Cursillos as a renewal movement of the Church."

There are three stages of the movement: Pre-Cursillo (recruiting phase), Cursillo Three Day (weekend retreat) and Post-Cursillo (small group gatherings, ultreyas, school of leaders). The retreat begins on a Thursday evening and ends on Sunday night, during which participants listen to rollos (pronounced roy-os), which are talks presented by priests and laypeople. They also pray, have small group discussion and celebrate Mass together. Retreats and small groups are offered separately for men and women.

In April 2023, a national team trained 26 Arkansas Cursillo leaders in English at St. John Catholic Center in Little Rock. Visit our calendar to find dates for Cursillo weekends for men and women. For more information about the Cursillo program in our diocese, contact Deacon Brothers in English at (479) 306-8188 or