What's New

The 2025 Women's Religious Discernment Retreat is a free event for single...
Bishop Francis I. Malone of the Diocese of Shreveport ordained Brother Raban...
Taste of Faith dinners were held in Little Rock, Jonesboro and Hot Springs Village...

Calendar of Events

March 14 - March 15
2025 Women's Religious Discernment Retreat in Little Rock
St. John Catholic Center
April 6
2025 Deacon Recommitment Mass in Jonesboro
Holy Angels Convent
April 8
2025 Fifth Grade Vocations Day for Catholic Schools in Central Arkansas
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church - Little Rock
April 17
Holy Thursday Collection for Seminarians
All Parishes - Diocese of Little Rock
May 4
2025 Installation to Candidacy of Diocesan Seminarians Mass
Cathedral of St. Andrew - Little Rock

What about Single Life?

There are a lot of opinions about what the single life means in the Catholic Church, but there is no question that God is calling single people to a deeper faith and witness in the world. For more information, visit Single Life Resources.

Are You Being Called?

En Español

Through our baptism, we are called to a life of holiness. God calls each of us to live this holiness through a vocation to marriage, priesthood or religious life. Some married men receive an additional calling to the permanent diaconate. Are you discerning your vocation? Do you know where God is calling you? This page offers resources to help with your discernment of a religious vocation. Have you ever considered such a calling for your life? Come and see what priesthood, religious life and permanent diaconate offers. What you learn might surprise you.


The Office of Vocations and Seminarians aids in the discernment process of those who are interested in a vocation to diocesan priesthood as well as those who have already entered a formation program. If you would like to talk with someone about becoming a priest, contact Father Jeff Hebert at (501) 664-0340. For more information, see the following resources:

Priesthood Q&A
Seminarian Vocation Stories
Steps to Priesthood

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Religious Life

Men and women serve as religious priests, brothers and sisters in a wide variety of religious orders in Arkansas. If you are discerning the religious life and want information about the orders serving in the Diocese of Little Rock, visit the Religious Order Directory. For more information, contact the diocesan minister to religious at (501) 664-0340. For more information, see the following resources:

Religious Glossary
Religious Order Directory
How to Become a Religious Brother or Sister
Minister to Religious
Where do Religious Serve in Arkansas?

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Permanent Diaconate

Permanent deacons assist the bishop and his priests in the celebration of Mass, the distribution of the Eucharist and by proclaiming the Gospel, preaching homilies, presiding over marriages and funerals, and through serving in various ministries and charities, both in the Church and the community. The Diocese of Little Rock offers a five-year, bilingual, permanent diaconate formation program. A new class is being formedFor more information, contact Deacon Mark Verkamp, director of diaconate formation, at (479) 965-6255.

For more information, see the following resources:

Deacon Directory
History of the Diaconate
Permanent Diaconate Formation

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Diocese of Little Rock Prayer for Vocations

By Bishop Anthony B. Taylor

Heavenly Father, remind us that when we pray “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” we commit ourselves to do your will, whatever that may be. Free us from the temptation to do our own will rather than your will! Give those you call to the priesthood and religious life the courage to embrace your will with generosity and self-sacrificing love. Remove their fears and fill our hearts with gratitude that despite our unworthiness, you would entrust to them a role so great and necessary in your plan of salvation. Amen.

— June 2011

What's New

The 2025 Women's Religious Discernment Retreat is a free event for single...
Bishop Francis I. Malone of the Diocese of Shreveport ordained Brother Raban...
Taste of Faith dinners were held in Little Rock, Jonesboro and Hot Springs Village...

Calendar of Events

March 14 - March 15
2025 Women's Religious Discernment Retreat in Little Rock
St. John Catholic Center
April 6
2025 Deacon Recommitment Mass in Jonesboro
Holy Angels Convent
April 8
2025 Fifth Grade Vocations Day for Catholic Schools in Central Arkansas
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church - Little Rock
April 17
Holy Thursday Collection for Seminarians
All Parishes - Diocese of Little Rock
May 4
2025 Installation to Candidacy of Diocesan Seminarians Mass
Cathedral of St. Andrew - Little Rock

What about Single Life?

There are a lot of opinions about what the single life means in the Catholic Church, but there is no question that God is calling single people to a deeper faith and witness in the world. For more information, visit Single Life Resources.