Update: Catholic schools closed to April 17

Published: March 19, 2020

En Español

UPDATE: Theresa Hall, superintendent of Catholic schools, announced March 19, 2020, that Catholic schools will now remain closed through April 17. This is an update to her previous letter below, issued on March 14, informing parents of the closure of all Catholic schools in Arkansas from March 16-30. 

"Dear Parents,

"In an effort to do what we can to minimize the spread of COVID-19, especially to the most vulnerable among us, the Catholic Schools Office, with approval from Bishop Anthony B. Taylor, has decided to close all the Catholic schools beginning March 16 until March 30, 2020. In response to COVID-19, we are trying to be proactive rather than reactive. Accordingly, certain measures must be put in place and the closure of school will be one of these actions.

"We will be implementing AMI (Alternative Method of Instruction) all next week. We will still observe spring break and no instruction will take place March 23-27, 2020. Each school will be in communication with their families with instructions on implementing AMI days. Teachers will be available through e-mail for any questions you may have regarding assignments. Onsite parent teacher conferences will not be held at this time.

"If you have questions or concerns, please e-mail the principal of your school. These are unprecedented times and I ask your family to pray for God's guidance and healing.

Theresa Hall
Superintendent of Catholic Schools
Diocese of Little Rock"