Memorial of St. Ambrose, Bishop, Doctor of Church

Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024

Location: Worldwide

St. Ambrose was practicing law in Rome when the emperor appointed him governor of the province whose capital was Milan. When that church see became vacant, Ambrose was chosen bishop by acclamation. A catechumen like many of his people, Ambrose was baptized, ordained and consecrated bishop on the same day, Dec. 7, 374. 

One of the four doctors of the Latin Church, Ambrose also baptized St. Augustine of Hippo and is the patron of bees, stonemasons and catechumens. Learn more from Saint of the Day, the U.S. bishops or find this saint on the 2024 Share Your Light Advent Calendar. This calendar offers suggestions for ways to give of yourself each day of Advent. On Dec. 7, participants are invited to study Bishop Anthony B. Taylor's Advent Guide about the human rights of immigrants or read the U.S. bishops' pastoral letter against racism.