Subiaco Academy - Subiaco

Subiaco (Logan County) - River Valley Deanery

Subiaco Academy

7th - 12th Grade

405 N. Subiaco Ave.
Subiaco AR 72865

Subiaco Academy is a Catholic, college preparatory school for boys, in the Benedictine tradition, that welcomes young men of all faiths in grade 7-12. This school accepts both day and boarding students and is the apostolate of Subiaco Abbey.

(479) 934-1000
(888) 499-4108

Headmaster: Dr. David W. Wright (
Associate Head of School: Jesse W. Fortney (
Assistant Head for Academics & Communication: Cheryl L. Goetz (
Assistant Head of School for Mission and Identity: Fr. Cassian Elkins, OSB
Chaplain: Dc. Roy E. Goetz (

Full Map and Directions

School Calendar

Feb. 17
Presidents' Day
Diocesan offices and Catholic schools closed

March 24 - March 28
Spring Break for Catholic Schools
Catholic schools closed

April 18
Good Friday
Diocesan offices and Catholic schools closed

April 21
Easter Monday
Catholic schools closed

May 17
2025 Subiaco Academy Graduation