Faith Formation Office

Provides resources and training to catechetical leaders, coordinators of Christian initiation, parish catechists and Christian initiation teams

What's New

The 2025 Diocese of Little Rock Confirmation Retreat will be held Sunday,...
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor accepted 53 men to candidacy for diaconate ordination...
The 2024-25 Parish Catechist Formation Day focuses on the new translation...

Calendar of Events

March 9
2025 Rite of Election in Little Rock
Christ the King Church - Little Rock
March 10
2025 Rite of Election in Texarkana
St. Edward Church - Texarkana
March 22
Parish Catechist Formation Day in Searcy
St. James Church - Searcy
May 10
Parish Catechist Formation Day in Bella Vista
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church - Bella Vista
Sep. 20 - Sep. 21
Catechetical Sunday
All Parishes - Nationwide

The Office of Faith Formation supports our parishes as they learn the Catholic faith, teach the Catholic faith and invite others into a living relationship with Jesus that transforms life. We provide training for parish leaders and catechists, in English and Spanish, on evangelization and catechesis. We coordinate the process of Christian Initiation through which our parishes bring people into a sacramental encounter with Christ. We strive to implement the Directory for Catechesis, the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults and other Church documents related to catechesis, Christian formation and initiation. Contact Us

Basic Catechist Certification

The Faith Formation Office offers a process for adults who teach the Catholic faith in Arkansas parishes and schools to become certified as a catechist. The 20-lesson, free online program offers video instruction presented by Arkansas clergy, religious and laity at Complete with a study group and renew annually. For more information, email Jeff Hines, director of the Faith Formation Office, at or call (501) 664-0340, ext. 388. Enroll now| Catechist Continuing Education

Formed in Arkansas

FORMED was founded in 2015 to pool together a variety of Catholic resources that are accessible to subscribers on demand. Making these materials easily accessible may help parishes "engage those who may be disengaged from the parish and help draw them into the community." See List of Participating Parishes or follow FORMED on Facebook.

Parish Resources and Sacramental Readiness

Parishes looking for programs to use may find this list helpful. It offers recommendations by grade level through adult. If you want feedback about a program not listed, e-mail Jeff Hines, director of faith formation. To get a copy of the diocesan guidelines and policies for sacramental preparation and celebrating the sacraments of initiation and reconciliation, e-mail Jasmine Moore-Hogan, or call her at (501) 664-0340, ext. 323.

Parish Catechist Formation Days

Formations Days offer training to catechists, youth ministers, Christian initiation coordinators and other faith formation leaders in parishes. They are held throughout the year in parishes across Arkansas to allow participants to attend the location of their choice in English and Spanish. Registration is required.

Programas de Formación en Español

Aunque apenas estés comenzando tu relación con Dios, o regresando después de una larga ausencia, o buscando conocerle más, la Oficina de Formación en la Fe espera que los programas a continuación puedan ayudarte, sin importar dónde te encuentres en tu camino, para crecer en tu relación con Dios y su Iglesia. Para más información sobre cualquiera de estos programas, por favor comunícate con nosotros.

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a new translation for the process by which men and women become members of the Catholic Church. Formerly known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults became available for use in parishes in December 2024. The Faith Formation Office offers resources for parishes to implement these changes. | Team Initiation

What's New

The 2025 Diocese of Little Rock Confirmation Retreat will be held Sunday,...
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor accepted 53 men to candidacy for diaconate ordination...
The 2024-25 Parish Catechist Formation Day focuses on the new translation...

Calendar of Events

March 9
2025 Rite of Election in Little Rock
Christ the King Church - Little Rock
March 10
2025 Rite of Election in Texarkana
St. Edward Church - Texarkana
March 22
Parish Catechist Formation Day in Searcy
St. James Church - Searcy
May 10
Parish Catechist Formation Day in Bella Vista
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church - Bella Vista
Sep. 20 - Sep. 21
Catechetical Sunday
All Parishes - Nationwide