Parish Faith Formation Resources

The following resources are suggested for use in parish catechetical programs by the diocesan Office of Faith Formation. The resources are listed by grade level to adult. The list does not include recommendations for Christian initiation. For resources for this process, see Order of Christian Initiation of Adults or e-mail Jeff Hines, director of faith formation. In addition to this list, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops maintains a Listing of Approved Catechetical Texts and Series that comply with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. If you want feedback about a program not listed below, contact Jeff Hines. To get a copy of the diocesan guidelines and policies for sacramental preparation and celebrating the sacraments of initiation and reconciliation, e-mail Jasmine Moore, or call her at (501) 664-0340, ext. 323. Español



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Middle School

  • — Offers Catholic faith formation resources to subscribers on demand. The content available includes sacramental preparation materials, Catholic movies, audiobooks, educational videos for children, teens and adults as well as Bible studies and other group studies in English and Spanish. Material can be accessed through an individual or parish account from anywhere with an Internet connection. See list of formed parishes.
  • Theology of the Body for Teens: Middle School Edition — DVD series with workbook from Ascension Press 
  • The Pure Life — DVD Set from Ignatius Press
  • Decision Point — Confirmation progam from Dynamic Catholic by Matthew Kelly 
  • Chosen: Your Journey Toward Confirmation — DVD series with workbook from Ascension Press

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High School

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Young Adult

  • — Offers Catholic faith formation resources to subscribers on demand. The content available includes sacramental preparation materials, Catholic movies, audiobooks, educational videos for children, teens and adults as well as Bible studies and other group studies in English and Spanish. Material can be accessed through an individual or parish account from anywhere with an Internet connection. See list of formed parishes.
  • Freedom to Love — Theology of the Body DVD series with workbook from Ascension Press
  • Theology on Tap — Young adult faith formation program from Renew International 
  • St. Andrew School of Evangelization — Challenges participants to answer Jesus' call to evangelize to the ends of the earth, forming new evangelists for the new evangelization of the third millennium. It began in the Diocese of Little Rock in March 2011.
  • Transforming Force — Movement that helps those who have been marginalized become leaders.

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Bishop Erik Pohlmeier, former director of faith formation, visited every pastor and many parish leaders in the Diocese of Little Rock over a two-year period to understand how faith formation is being practiced and discover what works and what doesn't work in Arkansas parishes. The results of those visits along with much research and participation in national conferences led to the conclusions and recommendations for adult faith formation in the 2018 Report on Faith Formation in Diocese of Little Rock. Resources for adults are broken down into the following categories:

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