What's New

Catholics in Arkansas who want to help with the recovery efforts of survivors...
The Calix Society of Central Arkansas, which is sponsored by the Diocese of...

Calendar of Events

April 7
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
May 5
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
June 9
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
July 7
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
Aug. 4
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center

Here to Help You

Updated July 30, 2024

Reach out and let us help in your time of need. You are not alone. The Catholic Church in Arkansas offers ministries to serve a variety of needs. If the programs below are not what you are looking for, please contact us and let us know how we can help you.

Abuse Victim Support

  • Maria Goretti Network — This support group is open to those affected by any type of abuse and need love and support. It doesn’t matter if the abuse was physical, sexual, emotional, spiritual or mental. During the meeting, small group discussions for men and women will be included. It is open to all Christians who are seeking healing. For more information, e-mail Laura Gottsponer, LCSW, victim assistance coordinator, or call her at (501) 664-0340, ext. 425.

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Alcohol and Drug Ministry 

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Deaf Mass and Ministry

  • Deaf Ministry — Father Cassian Elkins, OSB, of Subiaco Abbey, celebrates a deaf Mass in American Sign Language (ASL) at St. Mary Church in North Little Rock on a regular basis. Visit the parish's Mass times schedule for specific dates and times. Also, there is an ASL interpreter at the English Sunday Mass at the same parish. Visit the parish to find the Mass time. For more information about this ministry, read Arkansas Catholic.

Disaster Relief

  • Disaster Response — This program helps those hit by a natural disaster to get back on their feet through its long-term recovery program. If you are on a fixed income, do not have insurance, are disabled or undocumented and you lost your home as the result of a tornado or flooding in Arkansas, our disaster recovery staff are here to help you get access to the resources you need to rebuild. For more information, call Catholic Charities of Arkansas at (501) 664-0340.

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Food Pantries and Thrift Shops

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Free Medical Care

  • Catholic Charities Medical Clinic — Primary care clinic that serves people 18 and older who are unable to afford routine healthcare. Volunteer medical professionals treat patients once a week by appointment. Spanish interpreters are available. Catholic Charities Medical Clinic, formerly known as Westside Free Medical Clinic, has been providing help and creating hope for the uninsured and underserved since 1971. To schedule an appointment, call the clinic at (501) 664-0340. (Leer en español)

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Grief Support

  • Grief Resources — Have you recently lost a loved one? Do you know someone who has and is struggling with the loss of a loved one? Most parishes provide some form of consolation for the bereaved, whether it's through a formal program, support groups or by providing one-on-one listening and comfort. Find out if there is a ministry of consolation in your area by visiting our Parish Directory to find a parish near you. Or visit our Grief Resources page to find a list of bereavement support groups in the central Arkansas area along resources on miscarriage, infertility, loss of spouse, tips on how to deal with grief and more.

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Hope after Abortion

  • Project Rachel — Support and healing opportunities for women and men wounded by abortion. Project Rachel offers one-day and weekend retreats, healing support groups, online Bible studies, and one-on-one accompaniment on the healing journey. All services are offered in English and in Spanish. Please text or call (501) 663-0996 or email projectrachel@dolr.org.  All inquiries are CONFIDENTIAL. Encounter the love and mercy of God in a safe, non-judgmental environment. To learn more, go to Hope After Abortion.

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Homeless Shelter

  • Jericho Way Resource Center — a homeless day center in Little Rock that provides resources to improve health, economic assistance and support to help those served become financially self-sufficient and find and retain housing. For more information, call (501) 916-9859 or visit Jericho Way Resource Center.

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Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence

  • VAWA Immigration Program — Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) specialists help immigrant victims of human trafficking and domestic violence safely leave dangerous situations and obtain immigration status that allows them to make their own decisions about their future. This program operates out of Catholic Immigration Services in Springdale and Little Rock. For more information, please call our Springdale ((479) 927-1996) or Little Rock ((501) 664-0340) office .

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Immigration Services

  • Catholic Immigration Services — Provides low-cost immigration counseling and support to families and individuals who are eligible for immigration benefits and cannot afford private assistance with offices in Little Rock and Springdale. To make an appointment, please call (501) 664-0340 for the Little Rock office and (479) 927-1996 for the Springdale office

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Low-Income Housing

  • Christopher Homes of Arkansas — Provides low-income housing to persons 62 years or older, or persons who are mobility impaired, with safe, attractive and affordable apartment living. The mission of Christopher Homes is to provide those who could not otherwise afford it, a place they are proud to call "HOME." To learn more, see Christopher Homes Locations.

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Pregnant and Alone?

  • Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center — Operated by trained staff and volunteers who know how to compassionately respond to those involved in an unplanned pregnancy. For more than 25 years, this organization has helped thousands of women in Little Rock and surrounding areas to provide free services and information about their pregnancies and individual needs. For more information, call (501) 227-7944 or visit Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center.
  • Abba House — Emergency shelter for pregnant mothers, their children and homeless women. It is run by the Missionaries of Charity sisters. It is located at 1002 S. Oak St. in Little Rock. For more information, please call Abba House at (501) 666-9718
  • Catholic Adoption Services — Non-profit, Arkansas-licensed, child placement agency and ministry of Catholic Charities of Arkansas. With more than 30 years of experience, the staff is here to help you if you wish to place your baby for adoption. For more information, call Antje Harris, LSW, at (501) 664-340, ext. 347.

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Refugee Resettlement

  • Refugee Resettlement Office — Provides services and assistance to refugees and their U.S. sponsors. This diocesan office, which is located in Little Rock, works closely with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office of Migration and Refugee Services and the U.S. State Department. The staff helps to reunite refugees with their families living in the U.S., helps refugees find American sponsors and meets them upon arrival in the U.S. and provides post-arrival services, such as orientation, job placement assistance, referrals to English as a Second Language courses, etc. For more information, contact Jennifer Verkamp-Ruthven, director, at (501)664-0340.

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Report Sexual Abuse 

  • How to Report Abuse of Minors — If you are aware of sexual abuse or have been abused by clerics, Church volunteers or Church workers, please contact the State of Arkansas Hotline for Crimes Against Children at (800) 482-5964. For pastoral assistance, please contact a diocesan victim assistance coordinator: Laura Gottsponer, LCSW, at (501) 766-6001.

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Same-Sex Attraction and Gender Identity

  • Courage — an international apostolate of the Catholic Church, which ministers to persons dealing with same-sex attraction (i.e., homosexuality and/or gender identity issues). To learn more, visit the Courage website.
  • EnCourage — a monthly support group meeting for individuals who have friends and family members experiencing same-sex attraction, is held in Little Rock. EnCourage is a ministry within the Courage ministry dedicated to the spiritual needs of parents, siblings, children and other relatives and friends of people who have same-sex attractions. Dates and locations are confidential. E-mail encouragelittlerock@gmail.com for more information.

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Troubled Marriage

  • Retrouvaille — Program for troubled marriages that begins with a weekend away followed by three months of sessions to help hurting couples rediscover a loving marital relationship. Thousands of couples headed for cold, unloving relationships or divorce have successfully overcome their marriage problems by attending the program. Separated and divorced couples are also encouraged to attend. Retrouvaille is offered each February and September. To learn more or register for an upcoming weekend, visit Retrouvaille.

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What's New

Catholics in Arkansas who want to help with the recovery efforts of survivors...
The Calix Society of Central Arkansas, which is sponsored by the Diocese of...

Calendar of Events

April 7
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
May 5
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
June 9
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
July 7
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
Aug. 4
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center