Official Website of the
Catholic Diocese of Little Rock
2025 MLK Memorial Mass to be Jan. 18 - Jan 9, 2025 Bishop Anthony B. Taylor will celebrate the 38th annual Diocese of Little Rock Martin... |
Calix Society helps Catholics in recovery - Nov 13, 2024 The Calix Society of Central Arkansas, which is sponsored by the Diocese of... |
Veterans Day Mass to honor our vets Nov. 11 - Nov 6, 2024 Father Bhaskar Malapolu, associate pastor of Our Lady of the Holy Souls Church in Little... |
March 13 Pax Christi Little Rock Speaker Series: Our Southern Border Mission: Walking with our Neighbors St. John Catholic Center |
March 14 - March 16 Diocesan Council for Black Catholics Adult Retreat Coury House Retreat Center |
March 28 Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry in Bella Vista St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church - Bella Vista |
April 4 - April 6 Arkansas Catholic Daughters of the Americas 100th Anniversary Convention St. Theresa Church - Little Rock |
April 7 Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting St. John Catholic Center |
Updated Feb. 6, 2025
The following lists diocesan-wide boards and Catholic organizations in the Diocese of Little Rock. See also: Clergy Boards, Diocesan Officials and Deanery Officials.
The Building Commission, at the direction of the bishop, has been given the responsibility to ensure that the proper steps are taken in the planning, design and construction of new or remodeled facilities within the Diocese of Little Rock. The commission is comprised of professionals from the various trades associated with the construction industry and provides for the review process on proposed construction projects. To learn more, go to Building Commission.
Calix Society of Central Arkansas, sponsored by the Diocese of Little Rock, is a unit of the national organization founded in 1947 in Minnesota for Alcoholics in recovery and their families to come together for support and spiritual healing. The group is Catholic, guided by a chaplain and open to all faiths. All are welcome to attend the monthly meetings including family and friends who are affected. To learn more, visit For meeting times, go to the Calendar of Events.
President: Leslie Shaw (
Vice President: Terry Heim
Secretary: Sharon Eckart
Treasurer: Hilda Glenn
Catholic Daughters of the Americas is a women's organization that participates in the charitable, religious and educational ministries of the Church. To learn more, visit Arkansas Catholic Daughters of the Americas.
State Regent: Connie Boutwell
1107B Oak Hill Dr.
White Hall, AR 71602
Phone: (870) 540-9237
1st Vice Regent: Judi Ostergaard
2nd Vice Regent: Carolyn Wethington
Secretary: Jo Marie Smith
Treasurer: Elizabeth Rinchuso
Chaplain: Fr. Joseph Marconi
Holy Fire Ministries/Arkansas Catholic Charismatic Renewal is the umbrella organization for Catholic Charismatic Renewal activities in the Diocese of Little Rock. For more information, see Catholic Charismatic Renewal. To find a prayer group in your area, see Charismatic Groups.
Christopher Homes of Arkansas, Inc. is a housing ministry of the Diocese of Little Rock that provides low-income housing to persons 62 years or older, or persons who are mobility impaired, that is safe, attractive and affordable. To see list of board members, visit Christopher Homes of Arkansas.
The Cursillo movement strives for Christ to be the prime influence in society. Cursillo is a simple method to develop Christian spirituality, mentality, activity and community. The prime objectives of the Cursillo movement in Arkansas are to develop in adult Christians a consciousness of their power and mission to become leaders in the work of Christian renewal, and to sustain them as they provide a Christian leaven in civic, social and economic life. Learn more.
As an evangelization instrument, the Diocesan Council for Black Catholics seeks to sensitize people in the Diocese of Little Rock to the needs and gifts of the black community for the purpose of inviting more of the black community to be part of the Church. The office is located at St. Augustine Church in North Little Rock. Office Hours: Tues. - Wed. 1 - 4 p.m.; Thurs. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. For more information, contact Rosalyn Pruitt at (501) 375-9617.
St. Augustine Church
1421 E. Second St.
North Little Rock, AR 72114
Phone: (501) 375-9617
Fax: (501) 375-9617
Bishop’s Liaison: Fr. Warren Harvey
Secretary: Rosalyn Pruitt
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor formed this council in 2018 "to respond to Pope Francis’ encouragement to involve the laity more fully in the process by which decisions are made in our diocese and also to receive their insights regarding the life of the Church in general in Arkansas." This council meets quarterly or more often when needed. Voting members serve three-year terms, which are renewable. Meetings are convened by the bishop. Go to list of membership and view meeting minutes.
The Diocesan Review Board is a consultative body that serves to: advise the bishop in his assessment of allegation of the sexual abuse of minors and in his determination of suitability for ministry; review diocesan policies for dealing with sexual abuse of minors; and offer advice on all aspects of these cases, whether retrospectively or prospectively.
Contact: Dc. Matthew Glover, chancellor for canonical affairs
2500 N. Tyler St.
Little Rock, AR 72207
Phone: (501) 664-0340
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor
Fr. John Connell, VG
Fr. Greg Luyet, JV
Laura Gottsponer, LCSW, victim assistance coordinator
Julie Chavis
Mary Devine
Melissa Nelson
Chad Sievers
Deborah Mentzer
The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem is an organization of clergy and lay men and women charged with preserving the faith and Christian presence in the Holy Land. To learn more, visit the Vatican.
Diocesan Section President: Connie Brown Phillips, DC*HS
P.O. Box 1266
Little Rock, AR 72203-1266
Phone: (501) 680-6919
The Knights of Columbus is a worldwide Catholic men's organization focusing on charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. To learn more, visit the Knights of Columbus.
State Deputy: Timothy R. Malloy
443 Misty Lane
Mountain Home, AR 72653-9428
Phone: (870) 243-5294
State Chaplain: Fr. Patrick Boland, OSB
State Secretary: Michael W. Bowman
State Treasurer: Robert M. Collins
State Advocate: Wm. E. "Andy" Anderson
State Warden: Murray J. Claassen
Immediate Past State Deputy: Lloyd J. Cambre
Fourth Degree District Master: Lloyd J. Cambre
The Healthcare Evangelization Commission was formed at the direction of Bishop Anthony B. Taylor in 2014. Comprised of representatives from the Catholic health care providers in Arkansas, the commission’s purpose is to coordinate and renew the mission of Christ’s healing presence in Arkansas, while respecting and learning from the unique charisms of other Catholic health care providers in the state.
Contact: Dc. Matthew Glover, JD, JCL
Chancellor for Canonical Affairs
2500 N. Tyler St.
Little Rock, AR 72207
(501) 664-0340
Chair: Fr. Jason Tyler, STL
Diocesan Liaison: Dc. Matthew Glover
Mercy Health System
Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI)
St. Bernards Medical Center
Catholic Charities of Arkansas
Ascension DePaul Community Health Centers
The motto for the Ladies of Charity is “to serve rather than be served in humility, simplicity and charity." The mission of the local association is to improve the lives of the poor and disadvantaged in the state of Arkansas through education, empowerment and evangelization. Local projects reflect the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul by addressing both the corporal and spiritual needs of those being served. To learn more, visit Ladies of Charity of Arkansas.
President: Liz Callaway
2500 N. Tyler St.
Little Rock, AR 72207
Phone: (501) 664-0340
Vice President: Marguerite Olberts
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Wendy Bush
Sister Moderator: Sr. Mary Ann Azar, DC
The Little Rock chapter of Pax Christi is part of the Pax Christi USA network. This Catholic peace and justice organization focuses on the spirituality of nonviolence in advocating and providing leadership for disarmament, demilitarization and reconciliation with justice, inclusiveness, economic and interracial justice, human rights and care of creation. For more information, visit Pax Christi of Little Rock.
President: Mary Hunt
Vice President Operations: Tim Pruitt
Vice President Community Relations: Jan Pipkin
Secretary: Sandee Haslauer
Treasurer: Janie Kelley
Chaplain: Fr. Warren Harvey
Phone: (501) 690-1609
The Serra Club of Greater Little Rock is part of an international organization that exists to foster and affirm vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Mass is celebrated at 7 a.m. on the first Friday of each month followed by a meeting with guest speaker in Morris Hall Chapel on the campus of St. John Catholic Center in Little Rock. For more information, email or visit Serra Club of Greater Little Rock.
President: Melanie Riley (
707 Pleasant Valley Drive #6
Little Rock, AR 72227
Vice President of Vocations: Jennifer Tucker
Vice President of Programs: Connie Phillips
Vice President of Membership: Lisa Carey
Vice President of Communications: Mary Jo Lewno
Secretary: Barbara Grafe
Treasurer: Patty Neumeier
Trustees: Bernard Neumeier, John Breen
Past President: Doug Menz
Chaplain and Spiritual Director: Fr. Jeff Hebert
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic lay organization that provides emergency assistance for local individuals and families in need. To learn more, visit Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Arkansas.
President: Marvin Salinas
308 N. 33rd St., Rogers, AR 72756
Phone: (479) 633-0359
Vice President: Vacant
Secretary: Mary Armour
Treasurer: Bill Brass
Spiritual Advisor: Margaret Bartell
Formator: Nancy Paluck
Lesa Reiff
Marita Monteforte
Mark Elworth
Mary Armour
Hughes Marinella
Philomena Zimmermann
Shelli Dominick
Will Green
St. Peter the Fisherman Conference — St. Peter the Fisherman Church, Mountain Home
Mother Teresa Conference — St. Vincent de Paul Church, Rogers
St. Albert Conference — St. Albert Church, Heber Springs
Sacred Heart Conference — Blessed Sacrament Church, Jonesboro
St. Michael Conference — St. Michael Church, Cherokee Village
St. Anne Conference — St. Anne Church, Berryville and St Elizabeth Church, Eureka Springs
St. Stephen Benevolent Conference — St. Stephen Church, Bentonville
Sts. Anne and Joachim Conference — St. Anne Church, North Little Rock
The Saint Thomas More Society is a Catholic organization for attorneys, judges, law professors and others working in the legal profession. To learn more, visit this group on Facebook.
President: Russell P. Bailey
P.O. Box 1426
North Little Rock, AR 72115-1426
Phone: (903) 244-2847
Secretary-Treasurer: Vaughan Hankins
Immediate Past President: Dc. Jim Goodhart
Red Mass Chairperson: Connie Brown Phillips
Caroline Boch
Dc. Noel "Bud" Bryant
Brian Clary
Dc. Matt Glover
Dc. Jim Goodhart
Honorable Milas "Butch" Hale
Charles Harder
Honorable Shawn Johnson
Joseph Karl Luebke
Fr. Greg Luyet, chaplain
Kelly McNulty
Connie Brown Phillips
Dylan Potts
Reginald A. Rogers
Charley Swann
2025 MLK Memorial Mass to be Jan. 18 - Jan 9, 2025 Bishop Anthony B. Taylor will celebrate the 38th annual Diocese of Little Rock Martin... |
Calix Society helps Catholics in recovery - Nov 13, 2024 The Calix Society of Central Arkansas, which is sponsored by the Diocese of... |
Veterans Day Mass to honor our vets Nov. 11 - Nov 6, 2024 Father Bhaskar Malapolu, associate pastor of Our Lady of the Holy Souls Church in Little... |
March 13 Pax Christi Little Rock Speaker Series: Our Southern Border Mission: Walking with our Neighbors St. John Catholic Center |
March 14 - March 16 Diocesan Council for Black Catholics Adult Retreat Coury House Retreat Center |
March 28 Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry in Bella Vista St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church - Bella Vista |
April 4 - April 6 Arkansas Catholic Daughters of the Americas 100th Anniversary Convention St. Theresa Church - Little Rock |
April 7 Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting St. John Catholic Center |