En Español

What's New

The offices of the Catholic Diocese of Little Rock will be closed to the public...
Applications are now being accepted for the youth team to lead Búsqueda #54....
The Calix Society of Central Arkansas, which is sponsored by the Diocese of...

Calendar of Events

Jan. 31 - Feb. 2
Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center
Feb. 3
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
Feb. 7 - Feb. 9
Búsqueda #54 Team Retreat (Spanish)
St. John Catholic Center
Feb. 7 - Feb. 9
EPJ Re-Encounter (Spanish)
St. John Catholic Center
Feb. 7 - Feb. 8
School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center

Diocese of Little Rock Office Directory

The following is a list of offices at the Catholic Diocese of Little Rock. To see offices that offer programs in Spanish, go to Oficinas de la Diócesis de Little Rock. To find a list of other Catholic ministries in Arkansas, including charities, social service agencies, hospitals, religious, parishes, schools, organizations and more, visit our Catholic Ministries Directory.

Administration and Personnel Office

Arkansas Catholic

Office of the Bishop

Calvary Cemetery

Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal

Catholic Campus Ministry Office

Catholic Charities of Arkansas

Calix Society of Central Arkansas

Catholic Adoption Services

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Catholic Charities Medical Clinic

Catholic Immigration Services

Catholic Relief Services

Disaster Preparedness and Response

Faith Community Nursing

Prison Ministry Office

Refugee Resettlement Office

Social Action Office

Catholic Schools Office

Catholic Youth Ministry Office

Chancery Office

Diaconate Formation Office

Diocesan Officials

Diocesan Tribunal

Divine Worship Office

Faith Formation Office

Family Life Office

Finance Office

Hispanic Ministry Office

Information Technology Office

Ministry to Ministers

Continuing Education of the Clergy

Minister to Deacons

Minister to Religious

Respect Life Office

Project Rachel

Safe Environment Program

School of Spiritual Direction

Society for the Propagation of the Faith

St. John Catholic Center

Stewardship and Development Office

Vocations and Seminarians Office

En Español

What's New

The offices of the Catholic Diocese of Little Rock will be closed to the public...
Applications are now being accepted for the youth team to lead Búsqueda #54....
The Calix Society of Central Arkansas, which is sponsored by the Diocese of...

Calendar of Events

Jan. 31 - Feb. 2
Permanent Diaconate Formation Weekend
St. John Catholic Center
Feb. 3
Calix Society of Central Arkansas Meeting
St. John Catholic Center
Feb. 7 - Feb. 9
Búsqueda #54 Team Retreat (Spanish)
St. John Catholic Center
Feb. 7 - Feb. 9
EPJ Re-Encounter (Spanish)
St. John Catholic Center
Feb. 7 - Feb. 8
School of Spiritual Direction Weekend
St. John Catholic Center